dc.description.abstract |
Cancer of the Prostate is one of the ma.ny preve.n.t.able he.a.lth cha.l.le.ng.es tha.t thre.a.te.n
me.n’s physi.ca.l, me.n.t.a.l a.nd psychologi.ca.l wel.l.being. Reports have show.n tha.t ma.ny
ma.les parti.cularly pre-se.rvi.ce te.ache.rs who are fut.ure cha.ng.e ag.e.n.ts are unwil.ling to go
for scree.n.ing, for the f.e.ar of nega.tive outcome a.nd s.tigma.tisa.tion. Previou.s s.t.udies
focu.sed larg.ely on preva.le.n.ce a.nd cau.ses of Cancer of the Prostate wi.th li.ttle
conside.ra.tion for in.te.rve.n.tion u.sing Cancer of the Prostate educa.tion. This s.t.udy,
the.refore, dete.r.m.ined the eff.ects of Cancer of the Prostate Educa.tion (CPE) on
know.ledg.e, a.tti.t.ude, a.nd wil.lingness to up.t.ake Cancer of the Prostate Scree.n.ing (CPS)
among ma.le Col.leg.e of Educa.tion S.t.ude.n.ts in Oyo N.ig.e.ria. The mode.ra.ting eff.ects of
religiou.s affilia.tion a.nd locu.s of con.tr.ol we.re a.lso exam.ined.
The He.a.lth Belief Model se.rved as the frame.work, while the pretes.t-pos.ttes.t con.tr.ol
gr.oup quasi- expe.rime.n.t.a.l rese.arch design u.sing 2x2x2 factoria.l ma.trix was adop.ted. The
purposive sam.pling techn.ique was u.sed to select gove.rnme.n.t ow.ned col.leg.es of
educa.tion. Sim.ple ra.ndom sam.pling techn.ique was u.sed to select two out of the three
publi.c col.leg.es (F.ede.ra.l Col.leg.e of Educa.tion (Specia.l), Oyo a.nd Emma.nuel A.laya.nde
col.leg.e of Educa.tion, Oyo). Two hundred ma.le s.t.ude.n.ts who conse.n.ted to parti.cipa.te in
the s.t.udy we.re purposively selected a.nd ra.ndomly assigned to expe.rime.n.t.a.l (100) a.nd
con.tr.ol gr.oups respectively. The ins.trume.n.ts u.sed we.re Multidime.nsiona.l He.a.lth Locu.s
of Con.tr.ol (MHLC-r=0.74), Know.ledg.e of CPS (KCPS-r=0.78), A.tti.t.ude Towards CPS
(ACPS-r= 0.81) a.nd Up.t.ake of CPS (UCPS-r= 0.77) sca.les. The tre.a.tme.n.t las.ted 10
weeks. Da.t.a we.re a.na.lysed u.sing descrip.tive s.t.a.tis.ti.cs a.nd A.na.lysis of covaria.n.ce a.t
0.05 level of sign.ifi.ca.n.ce.
Parti.cipa.n.ts’ ag.e was 23.60±1.30 ye.ars, while 67.0% we.re Chris.tia.ns. The.re we.re
sign.ifi.ca.n.t main eff.ects of tre.a.tme.n.t on know.ledg.e (F(1;192)= 83.52, partia.l η2=.30),
a.tti.t.ude (F(1;192)= 359.12, partia.l η2=.65) a.nd up.t.ake of CPS (F(1;192)= 139.20, partia.l
η2=.40). The parti.cipa.n.ts exposed to CPE obt.ained a highe.r me.a.n score on know.ledg.e
(15.70), a.tti.t.ude (35.03) a.nd up.t.ake of CPS (22.18) tha.n those in the con.tr.ol (know.ledg.e
(9.58), a.tti.t.ude (17.41) a.nd up.t.ake of CPS (12.00)) gr.oup. The.re was a sign.ifi.ca.n.t main
eff.ect of he.a.lth locu.s of con.tr.ol on up.t.ake of CPS (F(1;192)=3.62, partia.l η2=.019) but not
on know.ledg.e a.nd a.tti.t.ude. Parti.cipa.n.ts wi.th exte.rna.l he.a.lth locu.s of con.tr.ol obt.ained a
highe.r me.a.n score (17.91) on up.t.ake of CPS tha.n their coun.te.rparts (16.27) wi.th in.te.rna.l
he.a.lth locu.s of con.tr.ol. The.re we.re no sign.ifi.ca.n.t main eff.ects of religion affilia.tion on
know.ledg.e, a.tti.t.ude a.nd up.t.ake of CPS. The.re we.re no sign.ifi.ca.n.t in.te.raction eff.ects of
tre.a.tme.n.t a.nd religion affilia.tion, tre.a.tme.n.t a.nd he.a.lth locu.s of con.tr.ol on know.ledg.e,
a.tti.t.ude a.nd up.t.ake of CPS. The three-way in.te.raction eff.ect of tre.a.tme.n.t, religion
affilia.tion a.nd he.a.lth locu.s of con.tr.ol we.re not sign.ifi.ca.n.t.
Cancer of the Prostate educa.tion im.pr.oved know.ledg.e, a.tti.t.ude a.nd up.t.ake of Cancer of
the Prostate scree.n.ing among col.leg.e of educa.tion ma.le s.t.ude.n.ts in Oyo, wi.th em.phasis
on exte.rna.l he.a.lth locu.s of con.tr.ol. Cancer of the Prostate educa.tion should be adop.ted
by s.t.akeholde.rs for im.pr.oved know.ledg.e, a.tti.t.ude a.nd up.t.ake of Cancer of the Prostate
Scree.n.ing. |
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